Representing PTs, PTAs, and Students
of Physical Therapy in Alaska

Advertising Information and Payment Portal

Thank you for your interest in placing an ad with APTA Alaska. Our E-mail blasts reach almost 500 PTs, PTAs and SPTAs in the State of Alaska and are a great way to advertise job openings or products.


  • Job Posting ($200 for 1 Month, $250 for 2 Months, $300 for 3 Months)
  • Banner Ad (advertisement placed on our website with a link to your URL): $200 per month
  • E-Mail Blast Ad (text and one graphic with a link to your URL): $200 per issue
  • Mailing List Purchase (Order the current APTA Alaska Member Mailing List sent electronically as an Excel file. This list does not contain email addresses, only mailing addresses.): $150
  • Print Newsletter
    • ¼ Page Ad: $150 per issue (4.5” Vertical, 3.75” Horizontal)
    • ½ Page Ad: $300 per issue (4.5” Vertical, 7.5” Horizontal)
    • Full Page Ad: $600 per issue (9” Vertical, 7.5” Horizontal)

Complete the form below to purchase advertising online:

"*" indicates required fields

Career Center Advertising Order Processing Fee
Advertisement placed on our website with a link to your URL. Please enter the number of months you would like your ad to run in the quantity field.
Price: $200.00
Text and one graphic with a link to your URL. Please enter the number of months you would like your ad to run in the quantity field.
Price: $200.00
Order the current APTA Alaska Member Mailing List. This list does not contain email addresses – mailing addresses only. List will be sent electronically as an Excel file.
Price: $150.00

All advertising must conform with the ethical standards and policies of the American Physical Therapy Association (APTA) and APTA Alaska.

Disclaimer- Physician Owned Practices
Because of APTA’s policy against arrangements under which sources of referral (including physicians) stand to profit from referring patients for physical therapy (Financial Considerations in Practice, HOD 06-99-13-17), APTA Alaska does not accept job listings for positions in a practice if any physician has a financial interest in the practice and refers patients to an employed physical therapist or to a physical therapist who supervises an employed physical therapist assistant.

To complete your submission, you must make the following certification by checking the “I agree” box below:

Agree to Terms*
I certify that no referral source (including any referring physician) has a financial interest in the practice that has the position that is the subject of this advertisement.
This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.

REMINDER: Please submit your text, logo and desired URL electronically to