Representing PTs, PTAs, and Students
of Physical Therapy in Alaska


Let’s continue to care for our community with AKPTsHelp!

Many of us PTs and PTAs have had a massive reduction in workload due to different mandates in different Alaskan communities due to the COVID-19 pandemic, yet caring for others is in our DNA.

This is a simple initiative linking those who can help with those in need. For those of you moved to help others, please enter your information HERE. For organizations or individuals in need of assistance, click HERE. The needs can be anything from helping with shopping, to mobility assistance at home, to shoveling snow, or giving a ride. Obviously, full precautions should be followed and those with risk factors need to evaluate your situation with scrutiny. The goal is always to slow the spread of this virus, but also help those in need.

We have contacted local hospitals and will be reaching out to other agencies to let them know that as PTs and PTAs, we are health care providers at the ready to assist.

Please get involved and we’ll do what we can as a group and as individuals.

We will have this displayed prominently on our APTA Alaska website.

Thanks in advance for helping.